Westpac, a multinational bank
Australian Defence Force Recruiting, the recruitment organisation for the Australian Defence Force
Qantas Airways, the flag carrier of Australia
AMP, a financial services company
BT, the wealth management arm of Westpac
Cricket Australia, the national governing body for the game in Australia
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, a multinational bank
Colonial First State, an Australian wealth management company
BPAY Group, Australia’s leading payments service provider
Northern Beaches Council, the local government for the northern beaches of Sydney
Macquarie Bank, a financial services company
National Broadband Network (NBN Co), the company responsible for designing, building and operating Australia's new broadband network
PayPal Australia, an online payments system
Virgin Mobile Australia, a telecommunications company
NSW Resources and Energy, a government organisation
Stainmaster, an Australian carpet manufacturer
Dettol India, a hygiene products manufacturer
Grupo Aliança, a distribution company
Kellogg's Australia, a food manufacturing company
Soul Session, a Brazilian band
Le Burlamaqui, a homemade candy factory
Globo.com, a web portal
Easy Trips, a travel services bureau
Violetras, a distribution company
União Xintoísta, a religious group
Nádia Amorim, a dietitian and nutritionist
Globo.com,a web portal
El Paso, a global energy company
SulAmérica Saúde, healthcare company
CAPES, a foundation within the Brazilian Ministry of Education
TWB/Ferry Boat, a ferry operator
Telemar, a telecommunications company
TRT/RJ, a Brazilian fair work tribunal
Casa da Moeda do Brasil, the Brazilian mint
INFOinvest, an investor relations platform
Enformat, a distribution company
Apollo Entertainment Software, a game development studio
MDCi Software, an automation software company
Various clients
Ivox, an online review service
Piscadela, a publishing company
EncontroIdeal, an online dating service
Central de Desejos, an online shopping service
La Mole, a casual dining restaurant chain
Westcon, a global network technology solutions company
DVDarea, an online DVD store group
Datacom, a printing bureau
Telecine, a cable TV channel
BMG Brasil, a record label
TV Globo, a television network
2PG Multimídia & Design, a design agency
Intelig, a telecommunications company
Votorantim Celulose e Papel, a pulp and paper company
UAP Seguros, a global insurance company
Globosat, a cable TV network
GNT, a cable TV channel
Greenmatrix, a technology company
Banco BBM, a private bank
Animeway, an anime fan club
Agatsu Dojo, an Aikido training group
Dizáin Programação Visual, a design agency
MTEC, a web agency
Atrium Consultores, a technology company