Archives’s top bar integration with Facebook

Product strategy, design and development (user journeys, use cases and functional specifications) of’s top bar integration with Facebook. Work

0 Comment’s top bar

User research and data gathering (interviews, usability testing and web traffic analysis), and product strategy, design and development (user journeys,

0 Comment’s extension for Chrome and Firefox

User research and data gathering (interviews and web traffic analysis), and product strategy, design and development (user journeys, use cases

0 Comment’s entity extractor tool

User research and data gathering (interviews, usability testing and web traffic analysis), and product strategy, design and development (user journeys,

0 Comment

GloboCMS website

User research and data gathering (interviews), and product strategy, design and development (concept model, personas, site map and user journeys)

0 Comment’s address management tool

User research and data gathering (interviews and web traffic analysis), and product strategy, design and development (site map, user journeys,

0 Comment

Sports ontology

Domain ontology conceptualisation and implementation for, a sports news website, which is one of’s main channels/products. Interviews and

0 Comment

Elections ontology

Domain ontology conceptualisation and implementation for 2010 Elections. This ontology was needed to organise all 2010 Elections-related content created by

0 Comment’s foundational ontology’s foundational ontology conceptualisation and implementation. Interviews with stakeholders were carried out in order to understand key user needs, business

0 Comment’s semantic management tool

User research and data gathering (interviews and web traffic analysis), and product strategy, design and development (site map, user journeys,

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