
Grupo Aliança’s logo

Logo design. Freelance work.

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Soul Session’s logo

Logo design. Freelance work.

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Le Burlamaqui’s logo

Logo design. Freelance work.

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Easy Trips’ logos

Logo design. Freelance work.

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Violetras’ logo

Logo design. Freelance work.

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Logo for União Xintoísta

Logo design and stationery. Freelance work.

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Logo and business card

Logo and business card for Nádia Amorim, a dietitian and nutritionist. Freelance work.

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Enformat’s logo and stationery

Logo design and stationery. Freelance work.

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Apollo’s logo and stationery

Logo redesign and stationery. Work done at Apollo Entertainment Software.

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Piscadela’s logo

Monochrome logo design. Freelance work.

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