
Academic papers i

  1. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. Eye gaze experiment into the recognition of intended affordances. In: ASME 2017 IDETC/CIE – 29th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (DTM), 2017, Cleveland. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Cleveland, 2017. DOI 10.1115/DETC2017-67207.
  2. An eye-tracking experiment aimed at testing the claim that individuals understand how to use artifacts through the visual perception of their intended affordances was conducted. Sixty-one participants were asked to state the manner in which they would interact with an artifact after looking at their screen-based images for ten seconds with their gaze captured. The participants’ responses to perceived affordance were compared to their gaze data. Although individuals identified plausible affordances, a binary logistic regression analysis was inconclusive as to which eye-tracking variable is likely to entail a successful identification of the intended affordance. That said, there was a strong correlation between perception of the intended affordance and mention of either the artifact’s function or semantic category. The results suggest that affordances may not have a significant impact in the usability of products and interfaces. Extrapolating from the findings, we postulate that analogical priming may be a better explanation for the way individuals understand what to do with the artifact.

  3. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. Feedback on ‘Affordances: bringing them out of the woods’. Interactions, v. 23, n. 6. p. 7, 2016. ISSN 1072-5520. DOI 10.1145/3003275.
  4. We would like to thank Donald Norman for his clarification. We believe we were not alone in our interpretation of Norman’s point of view on affordances and, therefore, the whole design community benefits from this clarification. Regarding Norman’s position on affordances and on signifiers, we are in alignment in important ways. Norman defines signifiers as “the perceptible part that signifies the action.” In our article, we recommended framing as a strategy to highlight the properties of the object conveying information about the intended affordance…

  5. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. Affordances: bringing them out of the woods. Interactions, v. 23, n. 4. p. 80-82, 2016. ISSN 1072-5520. DOI 10.1145/2934292.
  6. In this article we claim that (1) perceived intended affordances refer to affordances that are intended to be perceived in a certain situation by the end user, (2) designing for usability through affordances requires designers to be aware of an object’s perceived intended affordances, and (3) intended affordances can be manipulated or thwarted by the visual features of an object, and by other objects in the user’s field of view.

  7. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. The identification of perceived intended affordances. In: IASDR 2015 – 6th International Association of Societies of Design Research Congress (IASDR 2015), 2015, Brisbane. Proceedings of the Sixth International Association of Societies of Design Research Congress. Brisbane, 2015. p. 266-280.
  8. An experiment aimed at testing the hypothesis that perceived intended affordances can be affected by two distinct dimensions, classification and framing, was conducted. One hundred and four participants were asked to tell what action they would most likely take upon eight artefacts. Responses were tallied according to whether participants identified the intended affordance. A chi-square test showed that correct responses significantly varied according to the degree of strength of classification and framing. However, a textual analysis of responses to questions asking participants to explain their answers showed that few of the responses exhibited participants’ knowledge about affordances. The results suggest that perceived intended affordances have to be learnt or primed to be identified correctly.

  9. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. The use and misuse of the concept of affordance. In: DCC’14 – 6th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, 2014, London. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition. London, 2014. p. 295-311. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14956-1_17.
  10. Given the lack of agreement on the phenomenological elements of affordance, it is difficult to conduct empirical research to test systematic observations across contexts (e.g., industrial design and interaction design). To address this problem, this paper aims to establish a new understanding of the concept of affordance and its key concepts. Through a critical review of influential articles about affordance, the article identifies some uses and misuses of the concept. Then, a definition of affordance is provided, which delineates its foundational elements. Based on the definition, the article proposes a framework to explain how artefacts acquire affordances through the intentional behaviour of designers, certain material features, and contextual constructions. As a result, this research will contribute a new perspective on affordances that may help designers have predictable control over them when designing end-consumer products.

  11. LOHMANN, A. F.; BURLAMAQUI, L. The concept of ‘second screen’ as a way to enhance the TV user experience. Ergodesign & HCI, v. 1, 2013. p. 18-26.
  12. This article intends to establish an understanding of the use of mobile devices as a ‘second screen’ for TV experience, from the Design perspective. From theoretical and practical points of view, the relationship between Internet and TV will be presented, evaluating the aspects and implications of this consumer transmedia experience.

  13. LOHMANN, A.; ROCHA, L. B. L. da. The concept of ‘second screen’ as a way to enhance the TV user experience. In: 13º USIHC – Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Computador, 2013, Juiz de Fora. Anais do 13º Ergodesign e 13º USIHC: 13º Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces. Juiz de Fora, 2013.
  14. This article intends to establish an understanding of the use of mobile devices as a ‘second screen’ for TV experience, from the Design perspective. From theoretical and practical points of view, the relationship between Internet and TV will be presented, evaluating the aspects and implications of this consumer transmedia experience.

  15. BITARELLO, B.; BURLAMAQUI, L.; LOHMANN, A.; SANTOS, A. V. Design and new technologies on the prototyping process. In: Interaction South America 2012, 2012, São Paulo. Anais do 4º Congresso Internacional de Design de Interação. São Paulo: Blucher, 2012. p. 207-214.
  16. In this article we discuss the influence of new technologies related to the process of prototyping inside the designer activity, which increasingly positions itself as a key element in all phases of a production process. For this, the result of the alignment between technology resources and the practice of design will be evaluated, still in the prototyping phase, from the observation of the discipline “Interface technology use for design”, taught in the Master’s program in Design at ESDI/UERJ. The results, benefits and opportunities for the designer activity, brought by the low cost of electronic components, as well as easy access to them, will be presented here.

  17. LOHMANN, A.; BURLAMAQUI, L. Structure and organization of collaborative data. In: 10° P&D Design – Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, 2012, São Luís. Anais do 10° Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design. São Luís: EDUFMA, 2012.
  18. The paper discusses the relevance of structure and organization of the content on the Internet, with emphasis in the context of collaborative publishing content on the news websites. We present some of the peculiarities that characterize the collaborative content apart from editorial content. From this, we propose the use of ontologies and the Semantic Web as ideal tools for structuring this type of content as well as the various possibilities and advantages of structuring data in a collaborative model.

  19. ROCHA, L.; LESSA, W.; MONAT, A. Classificação do conteúdo dos jornais online, segundo a lógica da Web Semântica. In: Interaction South America 2011, 2011, Belo Horizonte. Anais do 3º Congresso Internacional de Design de Interação. São Paulo: IxDA – SP, 2011. p. 28-38.
  20. Este artigo tem por objetivo mostrar o panorama atual dos jornais online brasileiros, no que diz respeito à classificação do seu conteúdo, identificando problemas acarretados pela utilização limitada dos recursos próprios da Web. A partir de uma indicação do cenário mundial, serão levantadas algumas das iniciativas mais representativas e bem recebidas no âmbito internacional, que visam a potencialização do jornalismo digital – seja através da aplicação sistemática de conceitos inovadores de classificação do conteúdo digital ou de novas técnicas de rotulação/anotação da informação – ampliando as dimensões da estrutura narrativa e, por conseguinte, propiciando ao leitor uma experiência de imersão mais rica e profunda durante o consumo do conteúdo. Concluído o levantamento, será proposta uma solução adequada à realidade dos jornais online brasileiros, capaz de ser implantada dentro de seus produtos, trazendo os subsídios necessários para que os resultados sejam compatíveis com aqueles alcançados pelas exemplares iniciativas externas, tanto do ponto de vista funcional quanto do tecnológico.

  21. ROCHA, L.; LOHMANN, A.; BITARELLO, B.; BRAZ, A.; REISZEL, F. Desce Mais: solução inteligente no consumo de bebidas. In: Interaction South America 2011, 2011, Belo Horizonte. Anais do 3º Congresso Internacional de Design de Interação. São Paulo: IxDA – SP, 2011. p. 279-286.
  22. O artigo apresenta as etapas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento do projeto de um protótipo baseado em tecnologias open source. O projeto, denominado “Desce Mais”, visa a otimização do serviço de atendimento ao cliente em bares e restaurantes com foco na venda e consumo de cervejas em garrafa de 600ml da Companhia de Bebidas das Américas, a Ambev. Nosso objetivo é descrever a construção do protótipo que tem como função: 1) avisar ao atendente o momento em que o recipiente fica vazio; 2) aumentar a eficiência e a margem de lucro do estabelecimento, já que o serviço otimizado permite a venda de maior volume de bebida em menor espaço de tempo; e 3) tornar-se um agregador de valor ao estabelecimento dado seu caráter tecnológico e inovador.

  23. LOHMANN, A.; BITARELLO, B.; ROCHA, L. A influência da evolução tecnológica sobre a narrativa da notícia: estudo de caso da Wired Magazine. In: Interaction South America 2011, 2011, Belo Horizonte. Anais do 3º Congresso Internacional de Design de Interação. São Paulo: IxDA – SP, 2011. p. 300-311.
  24. O artigo apresenta um estudo sobre a narrativa da notícia em publicações impressas, sites de notícias na Web e novos aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, com foco no tablet iPad e na publicação Wired Magazine. O objetivo é entender de que forma os novos dispositivos e o avanço tecnológico impactam na narrativa da notícia, na oferta de conteúdo e na maneira como os leitores interagem com este conteúdo noticioso.

  25. LOHMANN, A.; BITARELLO, B.; ROCHA, L. From printing to tablets: a study on the influence of the technological evolution and the transmutation of the journalistic content for new devices in the narrative flow of news. In: 5º CIDI – Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação, 2011, Florianópolis. Anais do 5º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação. Florianópolis, 2011.
  26. The article presents a study on the narrative of the news in newspapers, on news sites and Web applications for new mobile devices and tablets. The goal is to understand how technological advancement and transposition of the news content of the newspaper for different environments influence the narrative flow of the news and how readers interact with the news.

  27. ROCHA, L.; LOHMANN, A.; BRAZ, A.; BITARELLO, B.; REISZEL, F. Smart beer coaster. In: IADIS International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2011, 2011, Rome. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. Rome, 2011. p. 384-388.
  28. The main objective of this paper is to describe the different stages of research and development of an electronic device based on the use of open source technology which is the result of the observation of the consumption and sales habits of 600ml beer bottles in Brazil, as well as the relationship between bars/restaurants and their customers. This project’s goal is to optimize this business, being both commercially attractive and capable of improving its consumption experience. Therefore, the prototype here presented is expected: 1) to warn the staff that the last bottle served to a customer is getting empty, allowing its immediate replacement and consequently reaching a higher level of client satisfaction; 2) to increase the efficiency and profit margin of the bar/restaurant by selling more beer; 3) to add value to the bar/restaurant and the brands associated to the device as a product, due to its technological and innovative nature.

Presentations i

  1. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. The identification of perceived intended affordances. IASDR 2015 – Sixth International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research. 2015.
  2. BURLAMAQUI, L. Classification and framing: Design strategies for controlling affordances. Computer Human Adapted Interaction Research Group (CHAI). University of Sydney. 2014.
  3. BURLAMAQUI, L.; DONG, A. The use and misuse of the concept of affordance. DCC’14 – Sixth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition. 2014.
  4. BURLAMAQUI, L. Globo.COM Semântica. 2013.
  5. BURLAMAQUI, L. Semântica na Web brasileira. 3ª Conferência Web W3C Brasil. 2011.
  6. CAROLO, F.; BURLAMAQUI, L. Improving Web Content Management with Semantic Technologies. SemTech 2011 – Semantic Technology Conference 2011. 2011.
  7. BURLAMAQUI, L. Introdução à Web Semântica. PUC-Rio – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. 2011.
  8. BURLAMAQUI, L. Introdução à Web Semântica. ESPM Rio – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing. 2010.
  9. BURLAMAQUI, L. Introdução à Web Semântica. PUC-Rio – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. 2010.

Master’s thesis i

    ROCHA, Leonardo Burlamaqui Lima da. News ontology: a model for classifying the content of Brazilian on-line newspapers, according to the logic of the Semantic Web. 2012. 124p. Thesis (Master in Design) – Higher School of Industrial Design, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.

    This work aims to propose a simple and generalist ontology model, able to describe the most basic concepts that underlie the knowledge domain of general purpose Brazilian on-line newspapers, based both on practice and theory, in accordance with the principles of the Semantic Web. From a new way of classifying and organizing content, the given ontology should be able to meet the common needs of both parties, journalists and readers, which can be summarized as search and information retrieval.

    Keywords: Web journalism, News, Classification, Content, Ontology, Semantic Web
    Supervisor: LESSA, W.
    Associate supervisor: MONAT, A.

i I may be identified as either BURLAMAQUI, L., ROCHA, L., ROCHA, L. B. L. Da or ROCHA, Leonardo Burlamaqui Lima da